§ 17-20-9.3 - Application by a civilian employed by the United States government and residing outside of the continental United States.
SECTION 17-20-9.3
§ 17-20-9.3 Application by a civilianemployed by the United States government and residing outside of thecontinental United States. (a) A voter who is employed by any agency, department, or division of theUnited States government who by reason of that employment resides outside ofthe continental United States may, by certification to that effect by thevoter's employer, require that an absentee ballot be sent to the voterautomatically if that voter has registered to vote using the federal post cardapplication (FPCA), for every election during the period of time for which thevoter will reside outside of the continental United States. The certificationby the employer shall be prepared in form by the secretary of state and shallinclude the name of the civilian employee, the address to which the voter'sapplication shall be mailed, the name and signature of the employer completingthe certification, and the length of time for which the individual will resideoutside of the continental United States by reason of his or her employment.
(b) Notification of removal from the mailing list shall besent to the applicant.