§ 17-20-9 - Application by permanently disabled or incapacitated voters.
SECTION 17-20-9
§ 17-20-9 Application by permanentlydisabled or incapacitated voters. (a) A voter who is indefinitely confined because of physical illness orinfirmity or is disabled for an indefinite period may, by signing an affidavitto that effect, request that an absentee ballot application be sent to him orher automatically for every election. The affidavit form and instructions shallbe prescribed by the secretary of state, and furnished upon request to anyelector by each local board of canvassers. The envelope containing the absenteeballot application shall be clearly marked as not forwardable. If any electoris no longer indefinitely confined, he or she shall notify the clerk of thelocal board of canvassers of this fact. The clerk shall remove the name of anyvoter from the mailing list established under this section upon receipt ofreliable information that a voter no longer qualifies for the service. Thevoter shall be notified of the action within five (5) days after the boardtakes the action.
(b) The affidavit form and instructions prescribed in thissection shall be mailed to the applicant along with a stamped return envelopeaddressed to the local boards of canvassers.