§ 17-20-7 - Duplication of votes Methods preferred.
SECTION 17-20-7
§ 17-20-7 Duplication of votes Methods preferred. (a) In no event shall more than one vote be cast by any individual for any oneoffice or proposition.
(b) In the event that any person votes in person and alsoattempts to vote by mail ballot or by an official state blank ballot or anofficial federal absentee ballot, as the case may be, the mail and the officialstate blank ballot and the official federal absentee ballot, as the case maybe, shall be destroyed and not counted.
(c) In the event that any person casts a mail ballot and anofficial federal absentee ballot and/or official state blank ballot, the mailballot shall be counted, but the official federal absentee and/or the officialstate blank ballot shall be destroyed and not counted.