§ 17-20-32 - Inquiry by board of elections.
SECTION 17-20-32
§ 17-20-32 Inquiry by board of elections. Upon the request of any candidate for public office and upon a showing of goodcause for it or upon its own motion, the board of elections shall inquire intoany notary public or witness who witnesses the voter signatures on more thanfifty (50) mail ballot envelopes in any one election and any notary public orwitness who the board has reason to believe has not complied with theprovisions of this chapter. The inquiry shall attempt to determine whether thenotary public or witness was actually present when the documents were signed bythe voters and whether all other applicable requirements set forth in thischapter were complied with. Any criminal violation of this chapter uncovered bythe board of elections shall be referred to the state police for furtherinvestigation.