§ 17-20-30 - Penalty for violations.
SECTION 17-20-30
§ 17-20-30 Penalty for violations. –(a) Any person who knowingly makes or causes to be made any material falsestatement in connection with his or her application to vote as a mail voter, orwho votes or attempts to vote under the provisions of this chapter, byfraudulently signing the name of another upon any envelope provided for in thischapter, or who, not being a qualified voter and having knowledge or beingchargeable with knowledge of the fact, attempts to vote under this chapter, orwho votes the ballot of another voter, or who deliberately prevents or causesto prevent the mail ballot to be received by the voter or to be returned to theboard of elections, or who falsely notarizes or witnesses the voter signatureon the ballot application or mail ballot, or who deceives, coerces, orinterferes with the voter casting his or her ballot, and any person who does orattempts to do, or aid in doing or attempting to do, a fraudulent act inconnection with any vote cast or to be cast under the provisions of thischapter, shall be guilty of a felony.
(b) Any person who, having received a mail voter's ballot andhaving voted or not voted the mail ballot, votes or fraudulently attempts tovote at any elective meeting within the state held on the day for which theballot was issued shall be guilty of a felony.
(c) Any officer or other person who intentionally opens amail voter's certified envelope or examines the contents before the envelope isopened by the board of elections, as provided in this chapter, shall be guiltyof a felony.
(d) The offenses in this section shall be punishable byimprisonment of not more than ten (10) years and/or by a fine of not less thanfive hundred dollars ($500) nor more than five thousand dollars ($5000).