§ 17-20-3 - Definitions.

SECTION 17-20-3

   § 17-20-3  Definitions. – (a) Wherever used in this chapter, every word importing only the masculinegender is construed to extend to, and include, females as well as males.

   (b) Whenever used in this chapter, "bipartisan pairs ofsupervisors" for primaries means a supervisor representing the endorsedcandidates and a supervisor representing a majority of unendorsed candidates,and for nonpartisan elections and primaries means non-partisan pairs ofsupervisors.

   (c) Wherever used in this chapter, "employed outside of theUnited States" includes any person who is:

   (1) Employed by any agency, department or division of theUnited States government and who, by reason of that employment, resides outsideof the continental United States;

   (2) Employed outside the territorial limits of the UnitedStates; or

   (3) A spouse or dependent residing with persons so employed.

   (d) Wherever used in this chapter "services intimatelyconnected with military operations" includes members of religious groups orwelfare agencies assisting members of the armed forces who are officiallyattached to and serving with the armed forces and their spouses and dependents,and the spouses and dependents of members of the armed forces and of themerchant marine; provided, that the spouses and dependents are residing outsideof the state with the members of the armed forces, merchant marine, or membersof the religious or welfare agencies.

   (e) Whenever a signature is required by a voter in thischapter, "signature" also means the voter's mark "X" if the person is unable tosign his or her name because of physical incapacity or otherwise.

   (f) Whenever used in this chapter, "bipartisan" means not ofthe same recognized political party.