§ 17-20-24 - Irregularities not impairing validity of ballots.
SECTION 17-20-24
§ 17-20-24 Irregularities not impairingvalidity of ballots. (a) No ballot transmitted under the provisions of this chapter shall berejected for any immaterial addition, omission, or irregularity in thepreparation or execution of the computer ballot, nor for failure of the voterto affix sufficient postage. No ballot shall be invalid by reason of mistake oromission in writing in the name of any candidate where the candidate intendedby the voter is plainly identifiable. Where, because of any defect in marking,a ballot is held invalid as to any particular candidate for office, it shallremain valid as to the candidates for other offices. No ballot shall be invalidby reason of the voter writing upon the inner envelope the name of a communitywithin a town in place of the name of the town. No defect in the marking of theappropriate space associated with casting a vote shall invalidate any ballot ora vote for any candidate, where the intention of the voter is clearly indicated.
(b) No ballot shall be rejected if the intention of the voteris clear unless it contains clear evidence of the identity of the voter.