§ 17-20-2 - Eligibility for mail ballots.
SECTION 17-20-2
§ 17-20-2 Eligibility for mail ballots. Any otherwise qualified elector may vote by mail ballot in the followingcircumstances:
(1) An elector who will be absent from the state on the dayof election during the entire period of time when the polls are to be open;
(2) An elector who will be absent from the city or town ofhis or her voting residence on the day of election during the entire period oftime when the polls are to be open due to the elector's status as a student orthe spouse of a student at an institution of higher learning located withinthis state;
(3) An elector who is incapacitated to the extent that itwould be an undue hardship to vote at the polls because of illness, or mentalor physical disability, blindness, or serious impairment of mobility;
(4) An elector who is forbidden by the tenets of his or herreligious faith from engaging in secular activity, including voting, on the dayof election;
(5) An elector who is confined in any hospital, convalescenthome, nursing home, rest home, or similar institution, public or private;
(6) An elector who is being detained while awaiting trial oris being imprisoned for any cause, other than final conviction of a felony, andby reason of that detention or imprisonment is unable to vote at the polls;
(7) An elector who will be temporarily absent from the statebecause of employment or service intimately connected with military operationsor who is a spouse or legal dependent residing with that person;
(8) An elector who is employed by the state board ofelections, elections division of the secretary of state, a member of the staffof a local canvassing authority, or a poll worker assigned to work on ElectionDay outside of their voting district.