§ 17-20-14.2 - Voting from board of canvassers.
SECTION 17-20-14.2
§ 17-20-14.2 Voting from board ofcanvassers. – The state board of elections shall appoint as many pairs of supervisors as arenecessary whose duty it shall be to attend each board of canvassers in thestate on each of the six (6) business days prior to the election, on electionday, and on any additional days that the state board shall direct to supervisethe casting of votes by persons using mail ballots at a place that preservestheir secrecy and to take acknowledgments or serve as witnesses, and jointlyprovide assistance, if requested, to assure proper marking, sealing, andmailing of ballots as voted. The pairs appointed by the board of electionsshall be "bipartisan", as defined in this title, unless the persons are membersor employees of the boards of canvassers of the cities and towns. The stateboard of elections may, in its discretion, appoint members and employees of theboards of canvassers of the cities and towns to the pairs of supervisorsprovided for in this section. Every mail ballot cast at a board of canvassersmust be witnessed by the state supervisors. Every person who willfully hindersthe state supervisors in performing their duties as set forth in this sectionshall be guilty of a misdemeanor.