§ 17-20-14 - Voting from hospitals and convalescent homes – Penalty for interference.

SECTION 17-20-14

   § 17-20-14  Voting from hospitals andconvalescent homes – Penalty for interference. – (a) The state board of elections shall appoint as many bipartisan pairs ofsupervisors as are necessary whose duty it shall be to attend each hospital,rest home, nursing home and convalescent home, or similar types of personalcare facility in the state within twenty (20) days prior to the election. Theyshall supervise the casting of votes by persons using mail ballots at a placethat preserves their secrecy and shall take acknowledgments or serve aswitnesses, and jointly provide assistance, if requested, to assure propermarking, sealing, and mailing of ballots as voted. Every mail ballot cast by apatient in a hospital or convalescent home within this state must be witnessedby the state supervisors. It shall be the duty of the person or persons incharge of hospitals, rest homes, nursing homes and convalescent homes, orsimilar types of personal care facility to allow the state supervisors toperform their duties as set forth in this section at all reasonable times.Every person who willfully hinders the state supervisors in performing theirduties as set forth in this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

   (b) It shall be the responsibility of the state board ofelections to provide all bipartisan pairs of supervisors with an officialidentification card. All bipartisan pairs of supervisors will be required tohave in their possession their identification card when conducting officialbusiness.

   (c) Any person who deliberately misrepresents themselves asan official of the board of elections, or who deceives, coerces, or interfereswith a voter casting a ballot, shall be subject to prosecution under §17-20-30.