§ 17-19-9.1 - Ballot arrangement Independent candidates.
SECTION 17-19-9.1
§ 17-19-9.1 Ballot arrangement Independent candidates. In all state elections at which candidates for public office are to be elected,some of whom are candidates of a political party and some of whom areindependent candidates as defined in § 17-1-2(4), all independentcandidates for the same public office shall be listed on the ballot, in thevertical column below the title of the office they seek, following the listingof the political party candidates for the office and in an order chosen bylottery; provided, that any independent candidate shall be entitled to haveappear on the ballot, in small print to the right his or her name, the name ofany political principle, movement, or organization with which the candidatewishes to be identified. The name of the political principle, movement, ororganization must be identified on the declaration of candidacy, must containnot more than three (3) words, and must not include, in whole or in part, thename of any political party. If any declaration of candidacy does not containthe name of any political principle, movement, or organization, the word"independent" will appear in small print to the right the name of the candidateon the ballot. Except as provided in this section, the powers and duties of thesecretary of state with respect to the preparation of the ballots shall not beaffected.