§ 17-19-9 - Party emblems.
SECTION 17-19-9
§ 17-19-9 Party emblems. In the preparation of all ballots, sample ballots, mail ballots, and warballots to be used at any election other than a primary election, the secretaryof state shall cause to be printed next to the name of each "political party",as defined in this title, listed in the straight party vote section of thecomputer ballot, the emblem of the political party. The emblem of thedemocratic party shall be the representation of a star. The emblem of therepublican party shall be the representation of an eagle. The emblem of anypolitical organization qualifying as a "political party", as defined in thistitle, shall be selected by the state chairperson of the party; provided, thatthe emblem shall be entirely different for each political party, and may be anyappropriate symbol, but neither the coat of arms or seal of any state or of theUnited States, the national or state flag, any religious emblem or symbol, theseal of any society, the portrait or likeness of any person, or therepresentation of a coin or of the currency of the United States, shall bechosen as an emblem. Whenever any emblem has been selected and used uponofficial ballots for any political party, it shall not thereafter be used forany other political party.