§ 17-19-7 - Local candidates and questions Certification Ballots.
SECTION 17-19-7
§ 17-19-7 Local candidates and questions Certification Ballots. The local board of each city or town shall certify to the secretary of state,not later than four o'clock (4:00) p.m. of the third (3rd) day following thelast day for the holding of the primary held pursuant to the provisions ofchapter 15 of this title, preceding any regular city or town election to beheld on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in any year, or notlater than twenty-nine (29) days before any regular city or town election heldat any time other than on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in Novemberin any year, or not later than twenty-nine (29) days before any special city ortown election, the offices to be voted for at the election, the names of thecandidates for each office and the party name under which the respectivecandidates were nominated, and any other information necessary to enable thesecretary of state to prepare ballots uniform in size, type, color, andappearance with those prepared by the secretary for the state election, and inlike manner the local board shall certify to the secretary of state, not laterthan four o'clock (4:00) p.m. on the ninetieth (90th) day preceding any regularcity or town election to be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday inNovember in any year, or not later than fifty (50) days before any regular cityor town election held at any time other than on the Tuesday next after thefirst Monday in November in any year, or not later than fifty (50) days beforeany special city or town election, a copy of each question to be submitted tothe electors of the city or town so that suitable ballots may be prepared andfurnished for the election.