§ 17-19-44 - Officer tampering with voting equipment.
SECTION 17-19-44
§ 17-19-44 Officer tampering with votingequipment. Any person having the custody of voting equipment under this chapter, or anyelection or primary officer, who, with intent to cause or permit any votingequipment to fail to correctly register all votes cast, tampers with, injures,or disarranges the voting equipment in any way, or any part of the votingequipment, or who causes or consents to the voting equipment being used forvoting at any election or primary with knowledge of the fact that the votingequipment is not in order or not properly set and programmed so that it willcorrectly register all votes cast, or who, for the purpose of defrauding ordeceiving any voter or of causing it to be doubtful for what candidates orquestion any vote is cast, or of causing it to appear upon the voting equipmentthat votes cast for one candidate or question were cast for another candidateor question, removes, changes, or mutilates any computer ballot or any part ofany computer ballot, or does anything to defeat the will or intention of avoter in casting a lawful vote, shall be guilty of a felony.