§ 17-19-39.1 - Voted ballot storage and security.

SECTION 17-19-39.1

   § 17-19-39.1  Voted ballot storage andsecurity. – Voted computer ballots that were counted at the state board shall be stored incontainers by the state board until the expiration of twenty-two (22) monthsfrom the date of election and voted computer ballots that were voted andpackaged at a local precinct or counted at the local board shall be held andstored in containers by the local board in accordance with the regulationspromulgated by the state board until the expiration of twenty-two (22) monthsfrom the date of election. The voted ballots shall remain stored in theappropriate containers unless ordered to be opened by the state board or acourt of law. The computer file containing ballot layout information andcandidate totals shall be transferred to a disk and retained permanently.

   Notwithstanding the requirements of this section, the stateboard shall have the authority to examine and inspect the voted ballotssubsequent to the certification of an election.