§ 17-19-33 - Sealing of voting equipment – Sealing and forwarding of results, programmed memory cartridges and keys.

SECTION 17-19-33

   § 17-19-33  Sealing of voting equipment– Sealing and forwarding of results, programmed memory cartridges andkeys. – (a) The four (4) copies of the printout tape from the optical scan precinctcount unit obtained pursuant to § 17-19-32 shall be distributed as follows:

   (1) The first copy, which includes the opening of the pollingplace information, signatures of the warden and clerk, a timed audit trail ofcertain events occurring with respect to the optical scan precinct count systemand the vote totals for each candidate, shall be attached to the return sheetas provided in § 17-19-11 and immediately delivered to the indicated siteas determined by the state board of elections where it is processed anddelivered to the state board of elections by 4:00 p.m. the day following theelection;

   (2) The second copy shall be posted at the polling place;

   (3) The third copy shall be immediately delivered to thelocal board of canvassers attached to the return sheet as provided in §17-19-11, together with the polling place supplies, including the key to theoptical scan precinct count unit; and

   (4) The fourth copy shall be included with the voted ballotsand packaged pursuant to this chapter.

   (5) The certified voter list containing voters' signaturesshall be packaged separately and returned to the local board of canvassers.

   (6) All completed official affidavits, forms, reports andsupplies shall be packaged and delivered to the local board for subsequentdelivery to the state board.

   (b) The warden shall:

   (1) Remove all voted ballots from the second compartment ofthe optical scan precinct count unit and package them in the container providedand labeled as regularly voted ballots and stored pursuant to § 17-19-39.1;

   (2) Remove all voted ballots from the first compartment andpackage them in the container provided and labeled as containing write-invotes; and

   (3) Package all ballots from the emergency bin that have notbeen counted in the container provided and labeled as uncounted ballots, anddelivered to the local canvassing authority. Any ballots packaged and labeledas uncounted ballots shall remain sealed and delivered to the state board by4:00 p.m. the following day for counting.

   (c) All ballots so packaged shall be immediately delivered tothe local canvassing authority and the local board shall be in session for thecounting of any write-in votes. Forthwith upon completion of the counting ofall write-in votes the local canvassing authority shall place said ballots inan appropriately labeled container which shall remain in storage pursuant tothe requirements of § 17-19-39.1.

   (d) All marking pens, unused printout tapes, secrecy sleevesand other items related to the voting equipment shall be packaged and deliveredto the local board for later delivery to the office of the state board ofelections.