§ 17-19-26 - Models for instruction Assistance to voters in marking their ballot.
SECTION 17-19-26
§ 17-19-26 Models for instruction Assistance to voters in marking their ballot. Any person desiring information or assistance in voting on election day shallapply to the warden, who shall instruct the person by the use of the sampleballots. If a voter needs assistance in casting his or her vote itself, andrequests this assistance, the warden shall direct the second or additionalbipartisan pair to instruct or assist the voter. The bipartisan pair shallenter the voting booth with the voter and instruct the voter in the marking ofhis or her ballot, and if the voter has no further need of them, they shallboth withdraw before the voter casts his or her vote. If, the voter is unableto mark his or her ballot, the bipartisan pair shall mark the ballot for thevoter as he or she directs, but unless ordered to do so by a court of competentjurisdiction, neither member of the pair shall disclose for whom and how thevoter voted. In every case of this nature, both members of the bipartisan pairshall enter and leave the voting booth together, and it shall be a violation ofthis chapter for either to enter or remain alone.