§ 17-19-1 - Definitions.
SECTION 17-19-1
§ 17-19-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, except as otherwise required by the context:
(1) "Computer ballot" means the paper ballot prepared by theoffice of the secretary of state for use in conjunction with the optical scanprecinct count system;
(2) "Voting equipment" means an optical scan precinct countvoting system, related memory device, all related hardware and software, andvoting booths;
(3) "Warden" includes moderator; and vice versa;
(4) "Candidate" means any individual who has qualified underlaw to have his or her name appear on the ballot for nomination for election orelection to office;
(5) "Write-in candidate" means any individual receiving votesor seeking election to office by virtue of having irregular ballots cast forhim or her pursuant to § 17-19-31;
(6) "Public office" means any state, municipal, school ordistrict office or other position that is filled by popular election, exceptpolitical party offices which shall mean any state, city, town, ward orrepresentative or senatorial district committee office of a political party ordelegate to a political party convention, or any similar office; and
(7) A "Vote" shall be any mark made with the appropriatemarking device within the optech ballot voting area between the head and tailof the arrow on the computer ballot next to the party, candidate, write-incandidate or question, as is applicable, for whom the voter casts his or herballot, except as provided in § 17-20-24.