§ 17-15-33 - Tie vote.
SECTION 17-15-33
§ 17-15-33 Tie vote. If there is a failure to make a nomination or to elect a candidate to partyoffice at any primary by reason of a tie vote, the vacancy, if in respect to anoffice to be filled by the voters of more than one city or town, shall befilled by the executive committee of the state committee of the respectiveparty, except in the case of a senatorial or representative committee thevacancy shall be filled by the members of the senatorial or representativedistrict committee, as the case may be, and if in respect to an office otherthan a senatorial or representative district committee to be filled by thevoters of no more than one city or town, or a portion of a city or town, thevacancy shall be filled by the city or town committee of the respectivepolitical party. The vacancy shall be filled only by the choice of one of thecandidates receiving the tie vote. The name of the candidate chosen by theappropriate party committee shall be officially certified to the state board orlocal board, as the case may be.