§ 17-14-2 - Candidate required to be a qualified voter in the primary.

SECTION 17-14-2

   § 17-14-2  Candidate required to be aqualified voter in the primary. – (a) No person shall be eligible to file a declaration of candidacy, or beeligible to be a candidate or be eligible to be voted for or to be nominated orelected in a party primary unless the person, at the time of filing thedeclaration, is qualified to vote in a primary within the district for theoffice which he or she seeks.

   (b) No person shall be eligible to file a declaration ofcandidacy, or be eligible to be a candidate or eligible to be voted for or tobe nominated or elected in any party primary or general election if that personhas declared to be a candidate for another elected public office, either state,local or both.

   (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section,individuals residing in state senate districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15,16 and 17 may file a declaration of candidacy for state senator and/orsenatorial district committee member for those senate districts for the 2004election pursuant to § 17-14-1, provided they were registered to vote inthe election for that district on or before June 16, 2004.