§ 17-12-4 - Endorsements by state committee.
SECTION 17-12-4
§ 17-12-4 Endorsements by state committee. The state committee or the executive committee or any duly selectedsubcommittee of the executive committee acting under delegated authority may,when the town or district committee has failed or neglected to do so, withintwenty-four (24) weekday hours of the failure, endorse and notify the localboard of endorsement, if any, of the local candidates to be voted on in theprimary. It shall also notify the secretary of state of the endorsement, ifany, of any candidate to be voted for by the state at large; provided, that theendorsement of any candidate for representative in congress shall be by themembers of the state committee who shall be from that particular congressionaldistrict. It shall also notify the secretary of state of the endorsement, ifany, of any candidate for state senator or state representative. Theendorsement shall be filed with the secretary of state not later than fouro'clock (4:00) p.m. on the second day after the final day for filingdeclarations of candidacy. In the event the state committee, or the executivecommittee or any duly selected subcommittee of the executive committee actingunder delegated authority, fails or neglects to endorse, then all partycandidates shall be issued nomination papers without endorsement.