§ 17-11-9 - Election of moderator or clerk pro tempore.

SECTION 17-11-9

   § 17-11-9  Election of moderator or clerkpro tempore. – (a) In case of the absence of the moderator or of the clerk of any townmeeting, of a town not divided into voting districts, the town meeting mayelect a moderator or clerk pro tempore, and the town clerk shall preside at theelection of the moderator.

   (b) In case of the absence of the moderator or of the clerkof a voting district in a town not divided into senatorial or representativedistricts, the voting district meeting may elect a moderator or clerk protempore, and the clerk shall preside in the election of a moderator. At leastfive (5) electors shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the purpose ofelecting the moderator or clerk pro tempore.

   (c) In case of the absence of the moderator or of the clerkof a senatorial or representative district or of a voting district in asenatorial or representative district divided into voting districts, thedistrict meeting may elect a moderator or clerk pro tempore, and the clerkshall preside in the election of a moderator. At least five (5) electors shallbe necessary to constitute a quorum for the purpose of electing the moderatoror clerk pro tempore.

   (d) The elected officer shall be sworn to the faithfuldischarge of his or her duties by any person authorized to administer oaths,and shall hold office in the cities of Providence, Pawtucket, Central Falls,Warwick, Cranston, Woonsocket, and Newport, and in the towns of Barrington,Middletown, and Warren, until a moderator or clerk is appointed by the localboard respectively and in all other cities and towns until the election andqualification of the officer's successor.