§ 17-11-10 - Filling of vacancies by town council.

SECTION 17-11-10

   § 17-11-10  Filling of vacancies by towncouncil. – In case of the death, resignation, or permanent disability of the moderator ofany town, or of the moderator or clerk of any senatorial or representativedistrict, except in the cities of Providence, Pawtucket, Central Falls,Warwick, Cranston, Woonsocket, and Newport, or of any voting district in anytown, except the towns of Barrington, Middletown, and Warren, not divided intosenatorial or representative districts, the town council may fill the vacancyfrom the list of registered voters submitted by the party chairperson underwhose party designation the moderator or clerk had been elected. In the absenceof a submitted list, or, if the person, when elected, was not affiliated withany party, the town council may make its choice from the list of registeredvoters.