§ 17-10-15 - Use of registration cards at polls.
SECTION 17-10-15
§ 17-10-15 Use of registration cards atpolls. – (a) The local board shall remove from the container used for that purpose theoriginal registration cards of persons found by the board not to be qualifiedto vote at the election for which the registry has been canvassed pursuant tothis chapter. These removed cards shall be carefully preserved in a separatefile to be maintained for that purpose. At that time, the remaining cards shallbe secured in their container so that no card may be removed without breaking aseal or otherwise making it appear that a card has been tampered with. Thelocal board shall certify that the cards are a true and complete list of allqualified voters of the voting district as of the date of the certificate, andshall insert the certificate at the front of the container.
(b) A complete list of all qualified voters of each votingdistrict who are eligible to vote in each voting district in the election, ascertified by the local board, shall then be delivered to the warden of eachpolling place to be used as the certified voting list for each voting district.The certified list of voters for each voting district shall be signed and/orotherwise certified by the local board in accordance with regulations to beadopted by the state board. The local board may divide the registration of anyvoting district into two (2) or more sections for greater convenience of use atthe polls. In addition, each warden shall be provided with a certified list ofall voters eligible to vote in the election in the entire city or town, andthis list shall be signed and/or otherwise certified by the local board inaccordance with regulations to be adopted by the state board.