§ 17-1-2 - Definitions.

SECTION 17-1-2

   § 17-1-2  Definitions. – For the purposes this title, except as may otherwise be required by the context:

   (1) "Election" means the filling of any public office or thedetermination of any public question by vote of the electorate, and includeswithout limitation any state, town, or city office or question, and anypolitical party primary election for the nomination of any candidate for publicoffice; except that it shall not include a financial town meeting or a meetingto elect officers of a fire, water, or sewer district;

   (2) "General election" means an election held on the firstTuesday next after the first Monday in November in even numbered years for theelection of members of the general assembly and/or for the election of generalofficers, and/or for the election of presidential electors forpresident/vice-president of the United States;

   (3) "General officer" means an officer designated as ageneral officer by chapter 2 of this title;

   (4) "Independent candidate" means a candidate who has noaffiliation with any political party;

   (5) "Local board" means a town or city board of canvassers,board of canvassers and registration, canvassing authority, or any other localboard, commission, or officer empowered by law to have custody of the permanentregistration records;

   (6) "Local election" means any election limited to theelectorate of any city or town, or any part, at which any city, town, ward, ordistrict officers are to be chosen, or any elective meeting at which a questionis to be submitted to the voters of a city, town, or any subdivision of a cityor town, but it shall not include a financial town meeting;

   (7) "Party member" means any person who is a member of adesignated political party pursuant to § 17-9.1-23;

   (8) "Party voter" means any qualified voter who is eligibleto vote at the primary election of a political party;

   (9) "Political party" or "party" means: (i) any politicalorganization which, at the next preceding general election for the election ofgeneral officers, nominated a candidate for governor, and whose candidate forgovernor at the election polled at least five percent (5%) of the entire votecast in the state for governor, or (ii) any political organization which at thenext preceding general election for the election of a president of the UnitedStates nominated a candidate for president and whose candidate for president atthe election polled at least five percent (5%) of the entire vote cast in thestate for president, or (iii) any political organization which, on petitionforms provided to the chairperson of the organization by the state board ofelections, obtains the signatures and addresses of that number of registeredqualified voters equal to five percent (5%) of the entire vote cast in thestate for governor or president in the immediately preceding general election.All the signatures must be obtained no earlier than January 1 of the year inwhich the political organization desires to place a candidate or candidates onany ballot as a "party" candidate. If the political organization wishes toselect its nominees in a primary election, the petitions, bearing the requisitenumber of valid signatures, shall be presented to the appropriate local boardsof canvassers no later than June 1 of the same year. If the petitions arevalidated by the local boards as containing the requisite number of validsignatures, the political organization shall be deemed to be a political partyfor all elections held during the year and may select its nominees in a primaryelection. If the political organization does not wish to select its nominees ina primary election, then the petitions need not be returned to local boards ofcanvassers until August 1 of the same year. An organization qualifying as apolitical party through the petition process shall qualify as a political partyonly during the year in which signatures are obtained unless the candidates forgovernor or president of the United States of the party at a general electionheld in the year, shall receive five percent (5%) of the vote as provided inthis subdivision for either governor or president of the United States. If thecandidates do not receive five percent (5%) of the vote, the organization shallno longer qualify as a political party unless and until it shall, in asubsequent year, once again qualify by the submission of petitions;

   (10) "Polling place" means the room in which any election orelective meeting is conducted;

   (11) "Primary election" means any election to select thecandidates of a political party;

   (12) "Proposition" or "public question" means any questionput to a referendum of the electorate of the entire state or any part of it;

   (13) "Qualified voter" means any person who is eligible tovote under the requirements of age, residence, and citizenship prescribed bythe state constitution and who is duly registered to vote, or who is exemptfrom registration, pursuant to this title, and who is not otherwisedisqualified as a voter pursuant to law;

   (14) "Special election" means any election other than a localelection or primary election which is not held on a general election day;

   (15) "State board" means the state board of electionsconstituted pursuant to this title;

   (16) "State election" means any election at which anypresidential electors, senator or representatives in congress, general officersof the state, or members of the general assembly are to be chosen, or at whicha public question or an amendment to the Constitution is submitted to theelectors of the state;

   (17) "State officer" means the governor, lieutenant governor,secretary of state, attorney general, general treasurer, state senator, andstate representative;

   (18) "Vacancy in office" means the condition resulting fromany failure to elect or appoint an eligible and qualified person to publicoffice, or the failure of any person duly elected or appointed to qualify, orfrom the death, resignation, or removal of an incumbent prior to the expirationof his or her term of office and where no fixed term is prescribed upon thedeath, resignation, or removal;

   (19) "Voting list" means the complete list of all votersprepared from the information contained in the original permanent registrationrecords in the possession of the local board of canvassers;

   (20) "Warden" includes "moderator" and vice versa;

   (21) Words importing the masculine gender shall include thefeminine gender.