§ 16-80-3 - Purpose and intent.
SECTION 16-80-3
§ 16-80-3 Purpose and intent. The purpose and legislative intent of this chapter is:
(1) To establish a state framework within which statedepartments can create an interagency mechanism to develop, implement andmaintain a statewide system of school-to work transition;
(2) To establish a state framework to promote the formationof local partnerships that link the worlds of school and work among schools andpost-secondary educational institutions, private and public employers, labororganizations, government, community based organizations, parents, students,state educational, training, human service and economic development agenciesand that will provide all students with opportunities to participate ineducation and training programs that will prepare them for high skill, highwage careers, further education and training and lifelong learning.
(3) To establish a system that ensures that females, minoritystudents, limited-English proficient students and students with disabilitiesare provided with equitable opportunities to both participate in and benefitfrom apprenticeships and careers in skilled trades and advanced technology byproviding them with necessary modifications and support to succeed;
(4) To utilize federal funds to develop, implement, andmaintain a statewide school-to-work system.