§ 16-78-1 - Allergic emergencies – Anaphylaxis – Use of epinephrine – Immunity for those administering.

SECTION 16-78-1

   § 16-78-1  Allergic emergencies –Anaphylaxis – Use of epinephrine – Immunity for those administering.– (a) Every institution of higher learning in the state and the department ofhealth shall incorporate into their policies, rules, and regulations pertainingto school health programs a procedure for addressing incidents of anaphylaxis(exaggerated allergic reaction) in order to provide for the health and safetyof students who have been medically identified as being prone to anaphylaxis.These policies, rules, and regulations shall include a procedure where astudent may expressly authorize the school to administer epinephrine on thestudent in case of an emergency.

   (b) Students shall provide a doctor's letter or prescriptionnotifying the school of their allergy and the need to administer epinephrine inan allergic emergency.

   (c) No school teacher, school administrator, or school healthcare personnel shall be liable for civil damages which may result from acts oromissions in use of epinephrine which may constitute ordinary negligence. Thisimmunity does not apply to acts or omissions constituting gross negligence orwillful or wanton conduct.