§ 16-71-3 - Educational records access and review rights Confidentiality of records.
SECTION 16-71-3
§ 16-71-3 Educational records access andreview rights Confidentiality of records. (a) The parent, legal guardian, or eligible student, shall have the followingenumerated rights:
(1) The right to personally inspect and review records inexistence at the time of the request that are required to be kept by law orregulation of the student within ten (10) days of the request. The requestshall be made to the school's principal or designated appropriate authority;
(2) The right to a reasonable explanation and interpretationof the records;
(3) The right to copies of the records. The cost per copiedpage of written records shall not exceed fifteen cents ($.15) per page forrecords copyable on common business or legal size paper. No fee will beassessed to search for or to retrieve the records;
(4) The right to have the records preserved as long as arequest to inspect is outstanding;
(5) The right to request an amendment and/or expungement ofthe records if the parent or eligible student believes that the informationcontained in these records is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of thestudent's right to privacy; this request shall be made in writing to theappropriate records keeper.
(6) The right to place a statement in the record commentingon any contested information in the record. This statement shall be maintainedwith the contested part of the record for as long as the record is maintainedand it shall be disclosed when the portion of the record to which it relates isdisclosed;
(7) The right to have the records kept confidential and notreleased to any other individual, agency or organization without prior writtenconsent of the parent, legal guardian or eligible student, except to the extentthat the release of the records is authorized by the provisions of 20 U.S.C.§ 1232g or other applicable law or court process.
(b) Any person aggrieved under this chapter shall have theright to appeal in accordance with the provisions of chapter 39 of this title.
(c) [Deleted by P.L. 2004, ch. 97, § 1 and by P.L.2004, ch. 106, § 1.