§ 16-70-4 - Board of governors support program Powers and duties.
SECTION 16-70-4
§ 16-70-4 Board of governors supportprogram Powers and duties. The board of governors for higher education shall have the following powers andduties:
(1) To prepare with the assistance of the commissioner ofhigher education and to present annually to the state budget officer inaccordance with § 35-3-4, as part of the state higher education budget, aline item budget request specifically designated as the state's share ofsupport for the Rhode Island children's crusade for higher education. Thebudget shall be designated as a specific line item budget request and shall bepresented as part of the budget of the office of higher education.
(2) To provide, through its office of higher education andthe commissioner of higher education administrative and organizational supportservices, including equipment, space, and personnel to and on behalf of theRhode Island children's crusade for higher education foundation, its officers,and board of directors to the extent that these services are agreed to by theboard of governors for higher education and the board of directors of the RhodeIsland children's crusade foundation.