§ 16-7-41.1 - Eligibility for reimbursement.
SECTION 16-7-41.1
§ 16-7-41.1 Eligibility for reimbursement. School districts, not municipalities, may apply for and obtain approval for aproject under the necessity of school construction process set forth in theregulations of the board of regents for elementary and secondary education.Such approval will remain valid until June 30 of the third fiscal yearfollowing the fiscal year in which the board of regents for elementary andsecondary education's approval is granted. Only those projects undertaken atschool facilities under the care and control of the school committee andlocated on school property may qualify for reimbursement under §§16-7-35 16-7-47. Facilities with combined school and municipal uses orfacilities that are operated jointly with any other profit or non-profit agencydo not qualify for reimbursement under §§ 16-7-35 16-7-47.Projects completed by June 30 of a fiscal year are eligible for reimbursementin the following fiscal year. A project for new school housing or additionalhousing shall be deemed to be completed when the work has been officiallyaccepted by the school committee or when the housing is occupied for itsintended use by the school committee, whichever is earlier.