§ 16-7-36 - Definitions.
SECTION 16-7-36
§ 16-7-36 Definitions. The following words and phrases used in §§ 16-7-35 to 16-7-47 havethe following meanings:
(1) "Adjusted equalized weighted assessed valuation" meansthe equalized weighted assessed valuation for a community as determined by thedivision of property valuation within the department of revenue in accordancewith § 16-7-21; provided, however, that in the case of a regional schooldistrict the commissioner of elementary and secondary education shall apportionthe adjusted equalized weighted assessed valuation of the member cities ortowns among the regional school district and the member cities or townsaccording to the proportion that the number of pupils of the regional schooldistrict bears to the number of pupils of the member cities or towns.
(2) "Approved project" means a project which has compliedwith the administrative regulations governing §§ 16-7-35 through16-7-47, and which has been authorized to receive state school housingreimbursement by the commissioner of elementary and secondary education.
(3) "Community" means any city, town, or regional schooldistrict established pursuant to law; provided, however, that the member townsof the Chariho regional high school district, created by P.L. 1958, ch. 55, asamended, shall constitute separate and individual communities for the purposesof distributing the foundation level school support for school housing for allgrades financed in whole or in part by the towns irrespective of anyregionalization.
(4) "Reference year" means the year next prior to the schoolyear immediately preceding that in which aid is to be paid.