§ 16-7-34.3 - Reimbursement by the state for conventional public housing students.
SECTION 16-7-34.3
§ 16-7-34.3 Reimbursement by the state forconventional public housing students. (a) Each school district shall be reimbursed for expenditures for services andinstructional programs for students residing in conventional public housingunits owned by public housing authorities which are not on local tax rolls.Reimbursement shall be made when the services and programs have been carriedout in accordance with the requirements of state law and regulations of theboard of regents for elementary and secondary education. The following formulashall be used to distribute aid for the students residing in the public housingunits:
(1) The following formula and definitions are to be used todetermine the entitlement for each school district:
(ii) The incentive entitlement for a district shall be theproduct of the average per pupil cost for the district, the number of full timeequivalent pupils in grade 12 and below residing in conventional publichousing, and the state share ratio for the district.
(2) In this formula the following terms have the followingmeanings:
(i) "Incentive entitlement" means the sum payable to a localschool district under this formula.
(ii) "Average per pupil costs for the district" means allexpenditures approved by the state board of regents for elementary andsecondary education as defined in § 16-7-20 plus the costs of specialeducation required under chapter 24 of this title divided by average dailymembership of pupils as determined in § 16-7-22(1).
(iii) "State share ratio" means the effective state shareratio as calculated under § 16-7-20.
(iv) "Conventional public housing" means those propertiesidentified as eligible low rent housing projects under title I of P.L. 81-874,20 U.S.C. § 236 et seq.
(b) Students living on property owned by the Rhode Islandresource recovery corporation shall also be included in computations under thissection.
(c) Students living in the North Kingstown Traveler's Aidhousing project shall also be included in computations under this section.
(d) An amount shall be appropriated for the purpose ofreimbursing school districts as required pursuant to subsection (a) forconventional public housing.
(e) If the sum appropriated in subsection (a) of this sectionis not sufficient to pay in full the amount for conventional public housingwhich each city and town is entitled to receive in any fiscal year, the maximumamount which all cities and towns are entitled to receive under this sectionshall be deducted from the sum appropriated for all cities and towns under§ 16-7-20. If, after final allocation of §§ 16-7-15 through16-7-34, a district receives more than one hundred percent (100%)reimbursement, the excess shall be deducted from this conventional publichousing allocation in the following fiscal year.
(f) Reimbursement payments as calculated under this chaptershall be made according to § 16-7-16. All payments under this chaptershall be used exclusively to support services for conventional public housingstudents.
(g) Expenditure reports shall be submitted by the localschool districts to the commissioner of elementary and secondary education inaccordance with rules and regulations of the board of regents for elementaryand secondary education.