§ 16-7-34.2 - Appropriation of funds for education of children with disabilities.
SECTION 16-7-34.2
§ 16-7-34.2 Appropriation of funds foreducation of children with disabilities. The general assembly shall appropriate to the board of regents for elementaryand secondary education the sums that it deems necessary to carry out thepurposes of this section for distribution to local and regional schooldistricts on the basis of the ratio which the children with disabilities inthat district bear to the state total of children with disabilities; providedhowever, that no school district receives less than twelve thousand fivehundred dollars ($12,500) for the purpose of financially assisting schoolprograms for the child with a disability currently in operation and thoseprograms initiated by the district in the future, and as approved by thedepartment of elementary and secondary education; and the state controller isauthorized and directed to draw his or her orders upon the general treasurerfor the payment of the sum, or so much of that sum as may be from time to timerequired, upon receipt by the controller of properly authenticated vouchersapproved by the commissioner of elementary and secondary education. Thedepartment shall have the power to require that the programs shall beadministered and supervised by the local districts in a manner that thedepartment deems most feasible educationally and most sound economically.