§ 16-7-22 - Determination of average daily membership.
SECTION 16-7-22
§ 16-7-22 Determination of average dailymembership. Each community shall be paid pursuant to the provisions of § 16-7-17 anamount based upon the following provisions:
(1) On or before September 1 of each year the average dailymembership of each city and town for the reference year shall be determined bythe commissioner of elementary and secondary education from data supplied bythe school committee in each community in the following manner: The aggregatenumber of days of membership of all pupils enrolled full time in grade twelve(12) and below, except that pupils below grade one who are not full time shallbe counted on a full time equivalent basis: (i) increased by the aggregatenumber of days of membership of pupils residing in the particular city or townwhose tuition in schools approved by the department of elementary and secondaryeducation in other cities and towns is paid by the particular city or town; and(ii) decreased by the aggregate number of days of membership of nonresidentpupils enrolled in the public schools of the particular city or town andfurther decreased by the aggregate number of days of membership equal to thenumber of group home beds calculated for the purposes of reimbursement pursuantto § 14-64-1.1; and (iii) decreased further, in the case of a city or townwhich is a member of a regional school district during the first year ofoperation of the regional school district, by the aggregate number of days ofmembership of pupils residing in the city or town who would have attended thepublic schools in the regional school district if the regional school districthad been operating during the previous year, divided by the number of daysduring which the schools were officially in session during the reference year.The resulting figures shall be the average daily membership for the city ortown for the reference year.
(2) The average daily membership of pupils attending publicschools shall apply for the purposes of determining the percentage of thestate's share under the provisions of §§ 16-7-16(3), 16-7-16(10),16-7-18, 16-7-19, 16-7-20, and 16-7-21.
(3) In the case of regional school districts, the aggregatenumber of days of membership by which each city or town is decreased insubdivision (1)(iii) of this section divided by the number of days during whichthe schools attended by the pupils were officially in session shall determinethe average daily membership for the regional school district during the firstyear of operation. After the first year of operation, the average dailymembership of each regional school district, except the Chariho regional highschool district, shall be determined by the commissioner of elementary andsecondary education from data supplied by the school committee of each regionalschool district for the reference year in the manner provided in subdivision(1) of this section.