§ 16-7.2-2 - Joint legislative committee to establish a permanent education foundation aid formula for Rhode Island.
SECTION 16-7.2-2
§ 16-7.2-2 Joint legislative committee toestablish a permanent education foundation aid formula for Rhode Island. (a) There is hereby established a joint legislative committee to develop abasic foundation support program and an appropriate transition plan to fullyimplement a new funding system.
The committee shall consist of ten (10) members, five (5) ofwhich shall be appointed by the speaker of the house, one (1) of which shall befrom the minority party, and five (5) members appointed by the president of thesenate, one (1) of which shall be from the minority party. The speaker of thehouse and president of the senate shall each appoint a committee co-chair.
The joint legislative committee is directed to consider thefollowing framework in developing a new education foundation support program:
(1) A state education funding formula that is studentpopulation and needs driven. Student counts should include enrollments,students eligible for free and reduced lunch, those participating in languageassistance programs, and special education. Provisions should be made for thoseschool districts that experience declining enrollments.
(2) The accounting for "extraordinary special educationexpenditures" in special education spending for one child in a given fiscalyear.
(3) A per pupil foundation amount to be used in thecalculation of school funding. The per pupil foundation amount should be basedon what the cost is to provide an equitable and adequate education, andconsider various cost factors, such as pupil-teacher ratios, teacher and staffcompensation, technology investments, educational supplies, teacher trainingand professional development, student performance assessments, curriculumofferings and support services and other costs associated with the delivery ofeducational services.
(4) Per pupil cost, based on a least cost option plan toprovide purchase of service contracts in areas such as equipment, repair,benefits, transportation, general purchasing, capital construction, dataprocessing and health and other insurance programs. In addition, the departmentof education should assist regional collaboratives in identifying opportunitiesto maximize multiple school district participation for "high cost" programs.
(5) Various methods of funding the system.
(6) A transition education funding plan.
(b) The speaker of the house and president of the senate, inconsultation with the committee co-chairs, are hereby directed to appoint afoundation aid technical advisory group, and a property tax relief technicaladvisory group.
(c) The foundation aid technical advisory group shall adviseand assist the committee in recommending foundation aid amounts by:
(1) Identifying specific resources and least cost options toprovide every child the opportunity to necessary educational opportunities tomeet education performance standards; and
(2) Systematically calculating the amount of per pupilfunding necessary to support an effective and efficient educational system. Thegroup may create task forces to consider the needs of special populations,comprehensive education programs, and noneducational support activities,composed of experts in these areas. In developing a foundation aid amount, thegroup shall consider, among other factors, pupil-teacher ratios, compensation,collective bargaining practices, technology investments, educational supplies,teacher training and professional development, student performance assessments,curriculum offerings and support services and all other costs and needsassociated with the delivery of educational services.
(d) The property tax relief technical advisory group shalladvise and assist the committee in identifying the options and the impact ofreplacing existing local education property tax levies that support the fundingof elementary and secondary education with other resources.
(e) The joint committee shall issue a report outlining itsfindings and recommendations no later than May 15, 2007.
All state agencies and departments shall be directed tocooperate with and provide all necessary information to the joint legislativecommittee.