§ 16-7.2-1 - Legislative findings.
SECTION 16-7.2-1
§ 16-7.2-1 Legislative findings. (a) The general assembly recognizes the need for an equitable distribution ofresources among the state's school districts, property tax relief and apredicable method of distributing education aid. The general assembly findsthat there is a need to reform the way public education is financed because:
(1) All children should have access to an adequate andmeaningful education regardless of their residence or economic means;
(2) A school funding system should treat property taxpayersequably, limit the portion of school budgets financed by property taxes, andestablish sufficient cost controls on school spending;
(3) The state should ensure that its school funding structureadequately reflects the different needs of students, and closes the educationalinequities among the state's school districts; and
(4) The state education funding system should provide apredicable amount and source of funding to ensure stability in the funding ofschools.
(b) The intent of this chapter is to promote a school financesystem in Rhode Island that is predicated on student need and taxpayer abilityto pay. A new school funding system in the state should promote educationalequity for all students and reduce the reliance on the property tax to fundpublic education. This legislation is intended to ensure educationalopportunity to each pupil in each city or town on substantially equal terms.Adequate per pupil support will be provided through a combination of stateschool aid and local education property tax levies.