§ 16-7.1-5 - Intervention and support for failing schools.
SECTION 16-7.1-5
§ 16-7.1-5 Intervention and support forfailing schools. (a) The board of regents shall adopt a series of progressive support andintervention strategies consistent with the Comprehensive Education Strategyand the principles of the "School Accountability for Learning and Teaching"(SALT) of the board of regents for those schools and school districts thatcontinue to fall short of performance goals outlined in the district strategicplans. These strategies shall initially focus on: (1) technical assistance inimprovement planning, curriculum alignment, student assessment, instruction,and family and community involvement; (2) policy support; (3) resourceoversight to assess and recommend that each school has adequate resourcesnecessary to meet performance goal; and (4) creating supportive partnershipswith education institutions, business, governmental, or other appropriatenonprofit agencies. If after a three (3) year period of support there has notbeen improvement in the education of students as determined by objectivecriteria to be developed by the board of regents, then there shall beprogressive levels of control by the department of elementary and secondaryeducation over the school and/or district budget, program, and/or personnel.This control by the department of elementary and secondary education may beexercised in collaboration with the school district and the municipality. Iffurther needed, the school shall be reconstituted. Reconstitutionresponsibility is delegated to the board of regents and may range fromrestructuring the school's governance, budget, program, personnel, and/or mayinclude decisions regarding the continued operation of the school. The board ofregents shall assess the district's capacity and may recommend the provision ofadditional district, municipal and/or state resources. If a school or schooldistrict is under the board of regents' control as a result of actions taken bythe board pursuant to this section, the local school committee shall beresponsible for funding that school or school district at the same level as inthe prior academic year increased by the same percentage as the state total ofschool aid is increased.
(b) For FY 2007, the department shall dedicate one hundredthousand dollars ($100,000) from funds appropriated to support progressivesupport and intervention and SALT visits to support the Rhode island Consortiumfor Instructional Leadership and Training. This consortium is engaged intraining school leaders to be more effective instructional leaders in thestandards based instruction environment.