§ 16-7.1-17 - Urban after-school programs.
SECTION 16-7.1-17
§ 16-7.1-17 Urban after-school programs. (a) There is hereby established an after-school program for middle schools andjunior and senior high schools to be administered by the department ofelementary and secondary education.
(b) Each district receiving targeted funds under this sectionmust use a portion of these funds to establish programs as defined in thissection at the middle or junior high school level and may establish a programat the senior high school level. Each program shall be located in or nearmiddle schools or junior or senior high schools in school districts identifiedas "at risk" by the legislature in accordance with § 16-7.1-16 and whichhave an equity index below one. The purpose of the programs is to providestudents an opportunity to engage in a gainful activity, such as an athletic,cultural, arts, academic, community service, remediation, and/or careerexploration activity after-school or during the time the schools are not insession. Districts may contract for services with programs that meet board ofregents standards. The commissioner may require that districts that receivetargeted funds establish these programs either district-wide or at anindividual school within the district. Nothing contained in this section shallprevent the commissioner from interpreting middle or junior high school to meanmiddle or junior high school age.
(c) The department of elementary and secondary education isauthorized to promulgate rules and regulations for the administration andmonitoring of the programs for providing any assistance to plan and design theprograms, and for annually performing an evaluation of the overall quality ofthe after-school programs. Qualifying school districts will be required tosubmit a plan and other reports as may be requested relating to the use of theafter-school program funds to the commissioner of elementary and secondaryeducation.