§ 16-7.1-16 - Targeted school aid.
SECTION 16-7.1-16
§ 16-7.1-16 Targeted school aid. (a) In addition to those funds described in § 16-7.1-15, each districtwith a tax effort index below 1.0 as calculated pursuant to § 16-7.1-6 andwith a free and reduced lunch count in grades K-3 greater than forty percent(40%) shall receive targeted school aid. Districts shall be eligible for aidbased on the proportion that their average daily membership bears to the totalaverage daily membership of districts eligible for aid under this section. Thelocal school district shall determine the amount it proposes to spend on theprogram priorities referred to in this section and the programs and proposedexpenditures shall be a part of the district's strategic plan and/or annualupdates required under § 16-7.1-2.
(b) The commissioner may require a school district to reserveup to five percent (5%) of its targeted aid for intervention remedies. Thesefive percent (5%) set-aside funds shall only be spent with the prior approvalof the commissioner of elementary and secondary education. If however by March1, the amount reserved is not expended or expected to be spent in the academicyear, then the district may expend the funds in accordance with the prioritiesof this section and with the approval of the commissioner. In addition, thereshall be an appropriation for comprehensive on-site school reviews and otheraccountability measures that the commission deems appropriate in accordancewith policies and procedures to be determined by the commissioner and to carryout the purposes of § 16-7.1-2. The commissioner may give priority todistricts receiving targeted funds for the use of this appropriation.
(c) Districts may use targeted funds in new or expandedprograms for:
(1) Early childhood education;
(2) Helping schools to improve instruction to meet highstandards;
(3) Reducing class size at the elementary level;
(4) After school programming for middle schools, junior, andsenior high schools in accordance with § 16-7.1-17;
(5) Establishing and implementing innovative organizationsand methods of instruction at the middle, junior high, and/or high schoollevels;
(6) Child opportunity zones;
(7) Teacher mentoring;
(8) Curriculum revision to meet new standards;
(9) School and district intervention; or
(10) Other programs which the commissioner believes willresult in increased student performance.