§ 16-7.1-12 - Student technology investment fund.
SECTION 16-7.1-12
§ 16-7.1-12 Student technology investmentfund. The general assembly establishes the Student Technology Investment Fund toprovide schools and teaching staff with up-to-date educational technology andtraining to help students meet the demands of the 21st century. Rhode Island'sComprehensive Education Strategy calls for providing support to all schools foreducational technology. The funds may be used for: curriculum development toimprove teaching and learning, in-service professional development to supportthe effective use of technology in schools; and infrastructure requirementssuch as equipment, technology related instructional materials, software andnetworking of systems. These resources shall be used to close studentperformance gaps in accordance with the district's strategic plan pursuant to§ 16-7.1-2 and be consistent with the technology plan of the Rhode IslandComprehensive Strategy. The general assembly shall annually appropriate somesum and distribute it based on each district's proportion of their averagedaily membership in the reference year as defined in § 16-7-16. Forpurposes of this section, average daily membership shall be defined in §16-7-22. School districts may use funds received under this category ofeducation aid to replace up to, but no more than, thirty five percent (35%) ofthe amount the school district spent for technology related expenditures in theprevious fiscal year. District plans for the use of technology shall bereviewed by the legislative technology task force.