§ 16-66-6 - Advisory board.
SECTION 16-66-6
§ 16-66-6 Advisory board. (a) The school staff institute advisory board is created, consisting of thefollowing seventeen (17) members: eight (8) school teachers, four (4) to beappointed by the president of the Rhode Island Federation of Teachers and four(4) to be appointed by the president of the National Education Association ofRhode Island; one superintendent of schools, to be appointed by the presidentof the Rhode Island Association of School Superintendents; one schoolprincipal, to be appointed by the president of the Rhode Island Association ofSchool Principals; one school committee member, to be appointed by thepresident of the Rhode Island Association of School Committees; three (3)higher education representatives, one to be appointed by the commissioner ofhigher education in consultation with the president of the University of RhodeIsland, one to be appointed by the commissioner of higher education inconsultation with the president of Rhode Island College, and one representing anonpublic institution of higher education and appointed by the commissioner ofelementary and secondary education in consultation with the commissioner ofhigher education; one public member to be appointed by the commissioner ofelementary and secondary education; one member of the house of representatives,to be appointed by the speaker of the house; and one member of the senate, tobe appointed by the president of the senate. The house and senate appointeesshall be nonvoting members of the advisory board.
(b) With the exception of the house and senate members, themembers of the advisory board shall serve two (2) year terms until the time astheir successors shall be appointed. The house and senate members shall serveat the pleasure of the appointing authority.
(c) The advisory board shall organize itself at a meetingcalled by the speaker of the house in July of each odd numbered year.
(d) Members of the advisory board shall receive nocompensation.
(e) The advisory board shall elect a chairperson and anyother officers as it deems appropriate.
(f) The advisory board will review and make recommendationsto the commissioner of elementary and secondary education relative to allaspects of the Rhode Island school staff institute including, but not limitedto, implementation and delivery of services and funding, program approvals anddenials, fiscal data, evaluation, and dissemination.
(g) The advisory board shall submit a report on the instituteto the general assembly in January of each year; this report shall include butnot be limited to recommendations regarding institute funding for the nextfiscal year.