§ 16-66-4 - Operations.
SECTION 16-66-4
§ 16-66-4 Operations. The department of elementary and secondary education shall:
(1) Establish policies and procedures for the instituteconsistent with this chapter.
(2) Carry out the following responsibilities:
(i) Receive, process, and approve requests for in-serviceeducation program grants;
(ii) Inform all school systems of opportunities and resourcesavailable for in-service education;
(iii) Help to create new and productive relationships amongcolleges, collaboratives, school systems, and others concerned with in-serviceeducation;
(iv) Maintain an in-service resource file;
(v) Work with school staffs as they prepare their programgrant proposals;
(vi) Consult with the advisory board in the development ofnew ways of providing in-service education;
(vii) Provide staff to work with the advisory board;
(viii) Monitor funded institute programs.
(3) Fund the operation of the institute and instituteprograms with income from the following sources:
(i) Those federal categorical funds available to thedepartment and designated for in-service education, though a certain amount ofthese funds may be retained by the department for state in-service programs.
(ii) Any funds that may be appropriated for the institute bythe general assembly.
(iii) Other funds from governmental and non-governmentalsources which may be made available to the department for the purpose offunding the institute.
(iv) Institute programs and program grants. The initiativefor applying for institute grants to conduct in-service programs rests withschool personnel who have a common objective and a plan to meet that objectivethrough in-service education. Once an institute program is approved and fundedby the department, its operation is the responsibility of the initiating group.Programs shall be approved, funded, and operated on the following principles:
(A) Institute programs will be designed to meet federalguidelines, state priorities, and/or local needs as identified by local schoolstaff.
(B) Institute programs should help groups with sharedobjectives and responsibilities to improve the instructional program oreducational services offered in their schools.
(C) Members of school staffs or others who will be directlyaffected by the in-service programs must be invited to participate.
(D) Participation in in-service programs will be voluntary.
(E) Participants will plan their own programs, determineprogram format, choose consultants, and monitor and adapt programs in progress.
(F) Institute programs should respond to a diversity ofschool, staff, and student needs, and consultants recommended for theirdemonstrated capacity to help achieve program goals may come from a widevariety of fields (e.g., business, health, government, the arts, education).Institute programs will encourage new and productive relationships betweenschools, their communities, and the society at large.
(G) Administrators, teachers, related services personnel, orothers whose support is essential to achieving and sustaining program goalsshould be actively involved in the program and implementation of its objectives.
(H) Programs will be offered on site unless participantsdetermine otherwise.
(I) Professional recognition for participation in RhodeIsland school staff institute programs will be determined on the local level.
(J) The department of elementary and secondary education willencourage schools to provide incentives for participation.
(K) The awarding of academic credit, if any, will be decidedby participating institution(s) in consultation with the participants.
(L) Consultants who conduct the in-service will be evaluatedby participants.
(M) The department of elementary and secondary education willfund only those programs that give evidence of participatory planning and thatuse resources and consultants of high quality.