§ 16-64-8 - Completion of semester of school year.

SECTION 16-64-8

   § 16-64-8  Completion of semester of schoolyear. – When a student changes his or her residence during the course of a semester thestudent shall be allowed to complete the semester in his or her original cityor town of residence. If the student is a senior or about to enter his or hersenior year the student shall be allowed to complete his or her senior year inhis or her original city or town of residence. No school district shall berequired to provide transportation to a student exercising the option permittedby this section. No school district shall require a student to exercise theoption allowed in this section. No school district shall be required to paytuition for a student who exercises the option allowed in this section. Nothingin this section shall be construed to diminish the rights of any person coveredby the McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (P.L. 105-220), 42 U.S.C. § 11431et seq.