§ 16-64-1.3 - Educational responsibility for children in group homes and other residential placements.
SECTION 16-64-1.3
§ 16-64-1.3 Educational responsibility forchildren in group homes and other residential placements. (a) The city or town in which a foster home, group home, or other residentialfacility that does not include the delivery of educational services is locatedshall be responsible for the free appropriate public education of any childresiding in those placements, including all procedural safeguards, evaluation,and instruction in accordance with regulations under chapter 24 of this title,for any period during which a child is residing in the city or town. The cityor town shall coordinate its efforts with any other city or town to which achild moves when exiting the city or town responsible under this subsection.
(b) The city or town responsible for payment under §16-64-1.1(c) for payment of a city or town's per pupil special education costto DCYF for a child placed in a residential facility, group home, or otherresidential facility that includes the delivery of educational services shallbe responsible for the free, appropriate public education, including allprocedural safeguards, evaluation and instruction in accordance withregulations under chapter 24 of this title.