§ 16-63-5 - Categories of adult education programs and service.
SECTION 16-63-5
§ 16-63-5 Categories of adult educationprograms and service. Programs and services constituting adult education, as defined in §16-58-2, shall be categorized and defined as follows:
(1) Category 1. Basic education, which shall consistof efforts to alleviate illiteracy and provide opportunities for academicachievement up to grade twelve (12) and which shall include instruction inreading, writing, arithmetic, literature, social studies, science,pre-vocational subjects, and other knowledge and skills necessary to cope incontemporary life; courses in Americanization and citizenship for immigrants;teaching English to persons with no or limited ability with the language; andpreparation for the demonstration of competencies to qualify for the adult highschool diploma or for examinations to earn the general educational developmentor high school equivalency diploma.
(2) Category 2. Vocational training, which shallconsist of the imparting of knowledge and skills necessary to become gainfullyemployed, at least at entry level, in a recognized occupation, and thus attaineconomic self-sufficiency, and which shall be conveyed by classroominstruction, on the job training, apprenticeships, and other appropriatemethods.
(3) Category 3. Higher education, consisting ofopportunities for adults to enter or re-enter universities and colleges,whether matriculating or nonmatriculating, at undergraduate and graduatelevels, and whether part-time or full-time.
(4) Category 4. Continuing education in professionaland technological occupations, which shall consist of efforts to insure thatminimum competencies are maintained by persons who are employed in occupationswhich bear on the public health, safety, or general welfare, and for whichthere are licensing, certification, or other credentialing provisions in thegeneral laws, and in which those persons shall participate, individually or ingroups, by periodic reviews of fundamental and up to date knowledge and skills,in-service experience, performance assessment, or other systematic and ongoingmethods, and which may involve earning continuing education units.
(5) Category 5. General personal development, whichshall consist of any formal or informal activity in the pursuit and developmentof avocational, social, cultural, artistic, enrichment, recreational, or otherinterests.
(6) Category 6. Public service education, consistingof efforts, through mass media and by other methods, to inform, educate, andmotivate residents of the state on vital and timely subjects, such as health,safety, civic affairs, and social concerns and behavior.
(7) Category 7. Supportive services, which shallconsist of various accommodations intended to facilitate the pursuit of adulteducation in any of these specified categories, and which shall includeinformation, counseling, and other guidance services, financial aid, care ofchildren and other dependent persons, transportation, and other services.