§ 16-61-4 - Appointment of public members Renewal.
SECTION 16-61-4
§ 16-61-4 Appointment of public members Renewal. (a) The governor shall with the advice and consent of the senate establish theauthority by appointing seven (7) members to serve staggered terms. Theappointments shall be made for terms of three (3) years commencing on Februarylst in the year of appointment and ending on January 31st in the third (3rd)year after this. Any vacancy among the public members of the authority shall befilled by appointment of the governor, subject to the advice and consent of thesenate, for the remainder of the unexpired term. In the selection andappointment of members of the authority, the governor shall seek persons whobest serve the entire needs of the state. Public members shall not be appointedfor more than two (2) successive three (3) year terms each; provided, that thislimitation shall not apply to that person designated as chairperson by thegovernor who may be a member so long as he or she shall serve as chairperson.The authority may elect from among its members such other officers as they deemnecessary.
(b) Members of the board shall be removable by the governorpursuant to the provisions of § 36-1-7 of the general laws and for causeonly, and removal solely for partisan or personal reasons unrelated to capacityor fitness for the office shall be unlawful.