§ 16-56-8 - Need based work opportunities.
SECTION 16-56-8
§ 16-56-8 Need based work opportunities. (a) Amount of funds allocated. The authority shall allocate an amountannually to need based work opportunities not exceeding twenty percent (20%) ofthe total appropriation to this chapter.
(b) Eligibility of individuals. Eligibility for needbased work opportunities shall be determined by the authority when it isestablished that the applicant is found to meet the general eligibilityrequirements stated in § 16-56-3.
(c) Number and terms of work opportunities. (1) Eachapplicant is eligible for consideration for participation in need based workopportunities for a period of time equivalent to what is reasonably requiredfor the completion of the baccalaureate or associate degree. The authorityshall grant a renewal only upon the student's application and upon theauthority's finding that:
(i) The applicant has completed successfully the academicwork of the preceding year;
(ii) The applicant remains a resident of this state; and
(iii) The applicant's financial situation continues towarrant the work opportunities.
(2) If the funds available are insufficient to satisfy fullythe financial need of the total number of applicants, priorities shall bedetermined by the authority.
(d) Suitable employment. Students may enter intoemployment with agencies deemed eligible for participation in the federalcollege work study program.