§ 16-56-2 - General appropriation.
SECTION 16-56-2
§ 16-56-2 General appropriation. (a) The general assembly shall appropriate annually a sum to pay every awardauthorized by §§ 16-56-2 16-56-12. For each fiscal year theappropriation shall be determined by multiplying forty percent (40%) of theOctober enrollment for the prior four (4) June graduating classes eligible fornew or renewed awards times one thousand dollars ($1,000). This sum may besupplemented from time to time by other sources of revenue including but notlimited to federal programs.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), thesums appropriated in each fiscal year are the sums appropriated for thispurpose in Article 1 of P.L. 1992, ch. 133.