§ 16-54-4 - Reimbursement by the state.

SECTION 16-54-4

   § 16-54-4  Reimbursement by the state.– (a) Each school district shall be reimbursed for expenditures for directservices and instructional programs. Reimbursement shall be made when theseservices and programs have been carried out in accordance with the requirementsof state law and the board of regents' regulations relating to programs andservices for limited English proficient students.

   (b) For each fiscal year the following formula shall be usedto distribute aid for limited English proficient students:

   (1) The following formula and definitions are to be used todetermine the entitlement for each school district for students in programs orservices for the limited-English proficient:

   Net local cost for Resident full-

   limited English time equivalent

   proficient students X limited English X Share ratio =Incentive

   (statewide) student's district district entitlement


   Full-time equivalent

   limited English

   proficient students



   (2) In the formula in subsection (b)(1) the terms have thefollowing meanings:

   (i) "Incentive entitlement" means the sum payable to a localschool district under this formula.

   (ii) "Net local cost for limited English proficient programsstatewide" means the total net instructional expenditure in the reference yeardefined in § 16-7-16 of local schools for the support of programs, orservice for limited English proficient students, including the fundsdistributed pursuant to this chapter, as the sum is determined by thecommissioner of elementary and secondary education. Federal funds shall beexcluded from reimbursement.

   (iii) "Full time equivalency students" means that time spentby students in an approval program or service reimbursable under this chapterdivided by the amount of time in a normal school day.

   (iv) "Share ratio" means the effective share ratio ascalculated under § 16-7-20.

   (3) No school district shall receive for limited Englishproficient students more than one hundred percent (100%) of its expenditures inthe reference year from a combination of state operations aid as calculated inaccordance with §§ 16-7-15 through 16-7-34 and reimbursement aid forlimited English proficient students as calculated in accordance with thischapter.

   (4) Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 7 of thistitle, for each fiscal year not more than five percent (5%) of the fundsappropriated under this chapter should be used for departmental expendituresfor the administration of this chapter.

   (5) If the sum appropriated by the state in any fiscal yearfor making payments to the cities and towns under this chapter are notsufficient to pay in full the total amount which all cities and towns areentitled to receive for the fiscal year, the maximum amount which all citiesand towns are entitled to receive for the fiscal year is to be ratably reduced.In any given year the appropriation for implementation of this chapter shallnot exceed two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000).

   (6) Reimbursement payments as calculated under this chaptershall be made according to § 16-7-17. All payments under this chaptershall be used exclusively to support programs and services for limited Englishproficient students.

   (7) Expenditure reports shall be submitted by the localschool districts to the commissioner of elementary and secondary education inaccordance with rules and regulations of the board of regents for elementaryand secondary education. The commissioner shall make an annual financial andprogram evaluation report to the legislature on the status of state and localefforts.