§ 16-5-30 - Withholding of aid for infraction of laws or regulations Report to general assembly.
SECTION 16-5-30
§ 16-5-30 Withholding of aid forinfraction of laws or regulations Report to general assembly. The commissioner of elementary and secondary education may, for violation orneglect of law or for violation or neglect of rules and regulations inpursuance of law by any city or town or city or town officer or schoolcommittee, or for nonpayment of tuition owed by one community to anotherincluding but not limited to those children in state custody, vocationaleducation, or special education, order the general treasurer to withhold thepayment of any portion of the public money that has been or may be apportionedto the city or town; and the general treasurer upon the receipt in writing ofthe order shall hold the public money due the city or town until the time asthe commissioner by writing requests the withheld funds for the purposes ofeliminating the violation or neglect of law or regulation that caused the orderto be issued, or the commissioner of elementary and secondary education shallnotify the treasurer that the city or town has complied with the order as thedepartment of elementary and secondary education shall make in the premises, inwhich case payment shall be made to the town immediately. If the violation isfor nonpayment of tuition and it has been determined by the commissioner thatthe tuition is owed, then the commissioner shall, subject to the debtorcommunity's right to appeal to the superior court, order the general treasurerto deduct the amount owed from the debtor community's school aid and to pay thecommunity which is owed the tuition. The board of regents for elementary andsecondary education shall report to the general assembly annually allinfractions of school law which shall be brought to its attention, with arecord of this action as the department shall have taken in each instance.